Section II: Problem Solving 30 points
DIRECTIONS: Situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles and explain in details.
1. The stages of course design. Put the following stages of course design in the correct order:
A. selection of contents; B. diagnosis of needs; C. determination of what to evaluate and how to evaluate it D. formulation of objectives; E. selection of learning experiences (tasks/activities/exercises/etc.) F. organization of contents; G. organization of learning experiences
Stage 1________
Stage 2________
Stage 3________
Stage 4________
Stage 5________
Stage 6________
Stage 7________
2. Characteristics of a good learner of second language. List here at least eleven characteristics that a good learner of second language has.
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11. ________
3. List twelve important qualities you think that a good teacher must have.
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2. ________
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