IV. Directions:Explain the following terms,using one or two examples for illustration,if necessary. (3%×10=30%)
31. arbitrariness
32. distinctive features
33. Universal Grammar
34. Move
35. contextualism
36. comparative reconstruction
37. speech community
38. interpersonal communication
39. 1inguistic determinism and relativism
40. 1anguage acquisition
V. Directions:Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)
41. Use appropriate phrase structure rules to draw a labeled constituent structure tree diagram for each of the following sentences.
1) The naughty boy cheated his teacher.
2) The old man put the book on the table. 考試網(wǎng)
3) I think that you are from the South.
42. Distinguish sentence meaning and utterance meaning by using examples.