11. 尤其在商業(yè)領域,人們往往利用不誠實的手段來損人利己。
Especially in business, people often use dishonest techniques in order to benefit materially at the expense of others.
12. 一些俄羅斯科學家聲稱小孩子在接觸紫外線之后會學習得更好。
Some Russian scientists claim that children learn better after being exposed to ultraviolet light.
13. 此表提供了1999年澳大利亞男性和女性在畢業(yè)后的繼續(xù)教育方面獲得不同層次文憑的信息。
The chart gives information about post-school qualifications in terms of the different levels of further education reached by men and women in Australia in 1999.
14. 火箭的發(fā)明和“黑色火藥”的發(fā)明密不可分。
The invention of rockets is linked inextricably with the invention of “black powder”.
15. 中國社會環(huán)境的變化一部分還可以歸因于年輕人對做這些事情缺乏興趣。
Part of the changing social situation in China can also be attributed to the lack of interest young people have in pursuing these kinds of activities.
16. 許多特征,比如身高智力,不僅是基因作用的結果,而且也是基因與環(huán)境之間相互作用的結果。
Many characteristics, such as height and intelligence, result not from the action of genes alone, but from subtle interactions between genes and the environment.
17. 兩百年前,拳擊比賽在英國非常流行。
Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago.
18. 自從那個時期以后,火箭技術已經(jīng)取得了巨大發(fā)展。
Since then, there have been huge developments in rocket technology.
19. 國際貿易正在驚人的速度增長。
International trade is growing at a startling pace.
20. 我們希望在出發(fā)去野餐之前雨就已經(jīng)停了。
We hope it will have stopped raining before we set off for the picnic.