21.g һ`қ]ǘf^
A must +have doneʾ^ȥ϶IJyϾxA
22.g ɵ΄CҲһɆ?
D~the samerasthatZľ˼ͬasʾͬһN͡һǘӡ;thattʾͬһ̎as
23.g @кđж茧ԇʧ
C result from:ԴǡĽYһfromŸԭ;bring in:a(Ϣ);result in:(һָõĽY);lead into:£õĽYԵ~ЕrPϵ̫ҵĕrҲ
24.g MXs_
B except for:֮;in spite of:ܣM;because of:;besides֪֮B_
25.g 㹤ԽŬȡõM͕Խ
26.g sɯdؑеĆ}
A cope with:(ɹ)̎;handle鼰~üӽ~with;deal with:̎Q;deal inǡIIu(ijһaƷ)˼;turn up:F(xin)l(f)(벻);_{xA
27.g ܵӖʹɞ@ô(yu)ļ
D俼Ǐ{͵÷It is (was)+{+that 䡱ĽYеһthatһZľthe trainingˑxD
28.g һЩ˱t(y)ԺIJ(Pڴ)Ҫ҂Ď
A be confined to:ʹx_(ڴ݆ε);be locked in/into sth.(Փ(zh));lockctoo˴.be tied with:(ʹ)Bһ;be limited by:ơxA
29.g ˆTCwCwˡ
D no sooner...thanһ̶䡣xD
30.g ɹ(zh)еԒ@Ӌȫ׃ͨr
BZthe planӋ϶DZʩҪñʽCarry outʾ(zh)(Ӌ)M_չxB
31.g ڶ̶̵ĎһͨT鹫˾Ľ
A promoteҪָƏV;improveƣ;developl(f)չһָı|һrg(һ^L)õķl(f)չ;raiseexA
32.g MϲgfԒZKQɼ{Ľh ܌á
B adaptmľ;adoptãɼ{(hh);useãʹ;receiveӵյɼ{ҊadoptxB
33.g ȻءһҪ!
B }Ҫ鲻ʽķ÷be sure not to do sth.˼ǡһҪij¡DzʽķYҪnotڲʽ̖toǰ档xB
34. g M@ʯӲü@Ǻġ
D as ZľЕrõbѱZZ^ZǰAalthoughĞthoughҲ_ġxD
35. gˣWòϴ˯X
B Zthe studentsxZthe lights˼ȿųACDxһӲЃɂZɂ^ZBxV-ingʽɪZYZҎ(gu)txB