selective test 甄選測試
例: Selective tests can be used to indicate a candidate' s suitability for the job they are applying for.甄選測試可用于說明候選人是否適合其申請的工作。
self-managed team 自我管理的團隊
例: Self-managed teams operate in dramatically diffcr(?ni way from other teams. 自我管 理小組與其他團隊的工作方式截然不同。
self-motivation 自我激勵
例: Self-motivation is particularly needed when employees are relatively isolated , such as with telecommuting.員工在相對弧立工作,例如以通訊上班時,特別需要自我激勵。
self-service dining room 自助餐廳
例; We al?o sell perishable gcxxls like milk, cheese and meat, with a sell-by-date of only a few days.我們還經(jīng)銷牛奶、奶酪、肉等易腐敗商品,這些商品銷售限期只有數(shù)日.
seller's market賣方市場,供不應求,求大于供
例:It was a seller' s market and prices were high.當時是賣方市場,價搭居高
selling cost推銷成本
例:The total amount of money spent on all aspects of selling t including advertising, commissions and promotion, is known as the selling cost.推銷成本指與推銷產(chǎn)品相關的總 支出,包括廣告費、傭金及宣傳促銷費。
sell-off (證券等)賣空,拋售
例:The recent collapse in share prices was due to a by shareholders.最近股價暴 跌是因為股民拋侈c
seminar room 小會議室
例: The centre has two conference roomsT each seating up to three hundred people, and three semijiur zwm each holding a maximum of forty.該會議中心有兩間各有 300 個 座位的大會議室,還有3間小會議室,每間最多可容納40人°
semi-skilled grades 半熟練工人
seen structured interview半結構性面談,即向所有應征者或接受面談者提問相同的 主要問題.次要問題則按個別面談情況而定
例:The research is based on semi-strud ured interviews with manners from 74 European banks.該項研究基于對74個歐洲銀行經(jīng)理的半緒構性面談結果。
senior executive 高級主管
例:The questionnaire was sent to a total of 1 000 senior executives .總共向 1000 名高級 主管發(fā)了間卷表。
seniority 資歷
例:Promotion is made on the basis of seniority and merit.根據(jù)資歷和業(yè)績做出提升。
senior management (公司)高層管理人員,高層干部
例: The sales forecaster interviews sales staff, sales managers and senior management. 銷售預測員與公司銷售人員、銷售經(jīng)理和高層管理人員進行了面談。
senior management consultant 資深管理顧問
例: They also brought in a senior management consultant to work on the project team's managerial skills and improve communication within the team-他們還聘請 了一位資深管 理顧問來提高項目小組的管理技能,改善內(nèi)部溝通。
September 11 terrorist attacks 事件,亦作 September 11 attacks in New
York and Washington
例:Since the September 11 terrorist attacks , security and convenience became added considerations.自從"911"事件以來,人們對空中旅程的安全便捷.有了更高的要求。
service商業(yè)性服務公司、中心,如an office design service辦公場所設計公司;a travel service 旅行社;a translation service 翻譯公司等
service mark服務標志(指洗衣店、運輸行、保險公司等服務性企事業(yè)使用的注冊 標志或圖案)
例:Service marks are to services what trademarks are to goods.服務標志之于服務機 構,猶如商標之于商品
例:’1'he service sector is the part of the economy that does not make goods, also known as the tertiary sccior, <務行業(yè)也被秋做第三產(chǎn)業(yè),它是經(jīng)濟的一部分,但不生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品。
services manager后勤設備部經(jīng)理
。篈s a services manager , he is responsible for all rhe building and equipment at our head office,作為后勤設備部經(jīng)理,他負責管理總公司的整座大樓及所有設備c
setting-up costs創(chuàng)業(yè)成本,開辦成本
例: The setting-up costs are the costs involved in creating a new business.創(chuàng)業(yè)成 本指創(chuàng) 辦企業(yè)所需的成本,
例:It was an internationally recognized means of payment for settlement of inlcmaiional "•ansacihm*在國際交易結算中這是國際上公認的支付手段°
set-up costs創(chuàng)業(yè)成本,開辦成本
例:Ci onerous grants are available towards sei-up cos^s .在開辦公司所需的創(chuàng)業(yè)成本方 面,可以享受豐原的資助。
shady practice不正當做法,暗箱操作
例: Well-manned and successful companies have no need io report to shady practices . 管 理出色的成功企業(yè)沒必要采用見不得人的做法.
例:This is what wc have called an industry shakeout .這就,是所謖的行業(yè)中的優(yōu)勝劣 汰。
shared value共同的價值觀
例:Our corpora邙culture is based on shared values .我們的公司文化以共同的價值觀 為基礎::
例:Major shareholders in the company include the PCB group.公司的主要股東包括 PCB集團’
share price股票價格
例:Knowledge I ha I a takeover 舊 likely usually sends the share price up•公司有可能被
share value股票價值
例: The considerable cost involved means that the share value has failed to increase significantly. 白于是高成本投入,使股票價值無法大幅度增加’
shelf life 1 (食品等的)保存期限,貨架期
例 1: Food products have a very short shelflife .食品的保存期限很短c
例 2; These frozen meals have a 血If life of three months.這些冷凍餐可以儲存 3 個 月。
shelf life 2淘汰周期
例:The average shelf life for a computer software package is about 18 months-電腦軟 件包的平均淘汰周期大約是18個月。
shelf life 3換代周期
例: A long shelf life is predicted for the new game, perhaps five years, which is longer than normal in this sector.有人預測,該新型游戲機換代周期會很長,也許有5年, 超過一般游戲機的換代周期。
例:In future, there' s likely to be more shift ixx)rk , partly to make better use df office equipment but also to offer services around the clock.將來,很可能會更多地實行倒班 制,這樣做一來能更好地利用辦公設備,二來也能保證提供24小時服務。
shift working輪班工作(制)
例: Shift working is also on the increase, with 14 per cent of UK employees now working some kind of shift system,輪班工作制也呈上升趨勢,14%的英國員工如今按各種 輪班制輪流上班。
shipper'sexport declaration 承運人出口申報表,出口報關單
例: Documentation for export shipments includes Shipper 's Export Declaration,出 口 貨物運輸所需文件包括出口報關單。
dipping line輪船貨運公司
例:A company lhat owns a lot of ships is called a shipping line .擁有彼多貨船的公司被 稱作航運公司。
shipping manager運輸部經(jīng)理
shop floor 1 (工廠工人的)工作場所
例: The smooth running cf the company depends on a good relationship between the boss and the people who work on the ^hop floor .公司運轉順利與否取決于老板和生產(chǎn)第一 線工人的良好關系。
shop floor 2 (總稱)工人
例:The shop floor are upset about it-工人們對此感到不快。
shopping complex 綜合購物區(qū)
例:Located in the embassy district and within walking distance of the main commercial area, the hotel is above a major shopping coniplej:.本飯店位于使館區(qū),步行即至主要 商業(yè)中心,俯瞰大型綜合購物區(qū)。
shopping mall密閉式商業(yè)中心,由靠近交通線、占地為幾個街區(qū)的一組而店組成,
shopping plaza大商場,建立在商業(yè)區(qū)的一座大簡店建筑。建筑物內(nèi)的各部分出租 給不同的零售商
例 1: There were forty applicants for the job but we short-listed only five of them. 這個 職位共有40個申請者應聘,但只有5個人初步入選。
例 2: I feel reasonably optimistic about getting shortlisted,我對自己獲得初步入選尚感 樂觀。
short list 初選名單,亦作 shortlist
例:I was on the short list, but 1 didn't get the job.我初步入選,但沒有獲得聘用 °
short-listed candidates 初步入選人員
例;Do you want me to interview the short-listed candidates ?需要我對切步入選人員進 行面試嗎?
shortterm profits短期收益,短期利潤
例: Merged companies can usually increase short-term prafit^ by cutting their combined labour costs.合并后的公司通常能通過降低勞動力成本提高短斯收益。
showcase 1玻璃陳列柜(商店或博物館) 例:a showcase for new wines 新酒陳列柜
showcase 2展示精華的活動、場所,供亮相的地方
例:The exhibition was a shorvcase for the region's major training organisations-這個展 示會是專供本地區(qū)大型培訓機構登臺亮相、展示看家本領的場所。
showcase 3展示,展現(xiàn)
例:u Legends of China" Festival showcases Chinese legends with music, drama and exhibitions, “中國傳奇”藝術節(jié)以音樂、戲劇及展覽形式展示中國傳奇的精粹。
showcase event展示精華的盛會
例: Now in its eighteenth year, Top Drawer continues to be the ^imvcase event for personal gifts and hum*? accessories. 8年ii去了,如今的“精品"展銷會仍然是展示私人 贈品和家用飾品精華的盛會。
shower curtain 琳浴簾
例:The real shtnupiece of the exhibition is a 1954 Cadillac-本次展覽會的真正精品是一 臺1954年產(chǎn)的卡迪拉克牌轎車。
showroom 展廳
例:This is our new car showroom.這是我們新建的汽車展廳。
shredder碎紙機 ‘
例:The Accounts Department has bought a new shredder .會計部新買了 一臺碎紙機。
例:These books are shrink- wra pped -這些書采用收縮包裝◊
signature card 印鑒卡
例: First you would be asked to fill out a signature card. Then you would be given a passbook in which your initial deposit would be recorded.首先會要求你填寫印鑒卡,而 后給你一本存折,用來記錄初始存款。
Silicon Valley硅谷(位于加利福尼亞西部,美國電脳業(yè)中心,因電腦材料主要為硅片,故名)
例: The most common place to find hypergrowlh is computer technology in the Silicon Valley of California,飛速發(fā)展的行業(yè)最常見的要數(shù)加知福尼亞硅谷的電腦技術:、
single bedroom (備有一張單人床的)單人房
single- ine s:ore單一商品商店,指只岀售單一商品的零售店,、如體育用品、廚房用 品、園藝用品等
single-plant scale 單一作坊規(guī)模
例:In manufacturing, the global company can take advantage of its greater volume to obtain the traditional single-plant scale advantages-在制造業(yè)方面,全球化公司可以利用 其規(guī)模效益比傳統(tǒng)單一作坊規(guī)模更具有種種優(yōu)勢C
skilled grades 熟練工人
skills shortage技術工人短缺
例:There is a serious skills shortage .技術工人短缺現(xiàn)象嚴重°
skimming strategy快速榨取戰(zhàn)略,快速掠取策略,快速撇脂策略(廠家在短時間內(nèi) 實行高價位策略獲取最大利潤)
例:The 5蚯strategy is oflen used will】 hi-tech goods. They start expensive but prices come down quickly once the competitor arrives .快速榨取戰(zhàn)略常帶應用在髙科技 產(chǎn)品上。開始時可以把這些產(chǎn)品價格定得很高,而一旦出現(xiàn)競爭對手,馬上把價格降 下來。
sleeping partner不積極參與經(jīng)營的合伙人
sleeping partner隱名合伙人(有權分享利潤但不參與經(jīng)營)
例: A partner who does not take an active part in the business is called a sleeping partner. 不積極參與經(jīng)營的合伙人被稱為隱名合伙人。
slow payer拖延付款的客戶
例: The company is having cash flow problems because of slaw payers .這個 公 司 因為客 戶拖延付款而出現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金周轉問題。
small and rredium-sized businesses 中小型企業(yè),簡稱 SMBs
例: We deal with both businesses and consumers but our primary focus is small and medium-sizeci businesses - SMBs as we call them.我們的服務對象為企業(yè)和消費者,但 主要還是針對中小型企業(yè)。
small officeAiome office 家庭辦公室,家庭企業(yè),簡稱SOHO
例: Across Asia. Latin America and other developing regions, enterprises in the small office /home office ( SOHO) category are emerging as a force to be reckoned with, 家庭 企業(yè)作為一支不可忽視的力量出現(xiàn)在亞洲、拉丁美洲和其他發(fā)展中地區(qū)。
small print (通常印于保險單、股票、租約等下端闡明各種保留或限制性條件的) 附屬細則,小號字體印刷(品)
例;I£ you read the small print, you'll see that we do not accept liability for any loss or damage.讀一下附屬細則,你就知道我們天任何損失灼不承擔責任。
smart card智能卡
例: New technolc^y such as smart cards and electronic monitoring of roads will lead to a more efficient use of transport systems.智能卡及道路電子監(jiān)控等新科技手段將使交通 系統(tǒng)得到更高效的使用。
smart copier智能復印機
例:Photocopiers which are computer controlled are known as smart copiers .由電腦控制 的夂印機被稱為智能復印機。
smart drink智能保健飲料,指智能保健酒吧(smart瞄,供應智能保健飲料或藥物 的場所)提供的一種有助于提高腦功能的飲料,如摻有維生素、礦物質、草藥等 的橙汁或咖啡
smart phone智能電話
例:This small company specializes in "smart” phones that offer bi 11-paying and other services.這家小公司專營智能電話以提供付賬及其他服務。
smoke detector (酒店、賓館客房安裝的)煙感報警器
smoke extractor 抽油煙機,排氣扇,亦作 cooker hood; kitchen ventilator 例: The company is frantically trying to shift production away from big-tickct items to cheaper products such as smoke extractors .該公司正在加速選行生產(chǎn)轉向,從昂貴物品 轉而生產(chǎn)諸如抽油煙機等廉價產(chǎn)品。
一級建造師二級建造師二級建造師造價工程師土建職稱公路檢測工程師建筑八大員注冊建筑師二級造價師監(jiān)理工程師咨詢工程師房地產(chǎn)估價師 城鄉(xiāng)規(guī)劃師結構工程師巖土工程師安全工程師設備監(jiān)理師環(huán)境影響評價土地登記代理公路造價師公路監(jiān)理師化工工程師暖通工程師給排水工程師計量工程師