11. What does the expression “a blue fit” mean in informal English?
A. a girl’s dress B. alarm
C. unhappy feelings D. a sad day
12. What is the meaning of “a bear” in “He is a bear at fine arts.”?
A. a huge guy B. a wealthy man
C. good at D. clumsy
13. A Chinese shows respect not only to a superior as his interlocutor. He uses honorifics to refer to his superior no matter whether his superior is present or not. For example, an emperor was called _____ when he was referred to in speeches or letters.
A. 殿下 B. 皇帝
C. 陛下 D. 圣上
14. Euphemisms are also frequently used in education. If a teacher describes a student as “being able to do better work with help”, he might mean that the student is _____.
A. slow B. lazy
C. cheating in class D. lying
15. The logical relation the sentences below exhibit is _____.
-Are your parents coming to the Expo Sites?
-Yes, they are.
A. coherence B. cohesion
C. connection D. conduction
16. What is the logical relation of the sentences below?
“Tickets, please. ” said the conductor. In a moment passengers were holding out their tickets.
A. additive B. adversative
C. causal D. temporal
17. Uranium is the god of _____.
A. heavens and father of Titans
B. the sea, son of Saturn and brother of Jupiter
C. agriculture and father of Jupiter
D. the sky and the king of the gods
18. In contemporary legal documents _____ are used thinly.
A. loan words B. adjectives
C. punctuation marks D. long sentences
19. Crossing one’s forefinger and middle finger signifies_____ in English speaking countries.
A. surprise B. good luck
C. victory D. frustration
20. In proxemics scholars are particularly interested in the _____ between interlocutors in interpersonal communication.
A. relative rights B. relationship
C. distance D. relative obligation