11. The English equivalent for “開某人的玩笑” or “捉弄某人” is “______ ”. ( )
A. to kid somebody’s brain B. to make one’s face
C. to get one’s hand D. to pull somebody’s leg
12. The colour word “______” is associated with profit in business. ( )
A. white B. blue
C. red D. black
13. “I’m disadvantaged,for I still don’t have a cent to my name. ” In the above sentence,the word “disadvantaged” means ______. ( )
A. unfavourable B. disagreed
C. poor D. nameless
14. Anything that is ______ by religion,tradition or social usage is a taboo. ( )
A. prohibited B. allowed
C. unprohibited D. encouraged
15. Man: Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? ( )
Woman: It looks like raining.
The above sentences are linked by ______.
A. grammar B. lexical
C. phonetics D. meaning
16. John overslept this morning. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been late for school. ( )
The logical relationship between the above sentences is______.
A. additive B. adversative
C. causal D. temporal
17. The word “______” is American spelling. ( )
A. colour B. traveller
C. metre D. defense
18. Nike is the name of ______ in Greek mythology. ( )
A. a heroine B. the goddess of victory
C. the goddess of fortune D. a wealthy lady
19. The nonverbal messages that are consistent with accompanying verbal messages,but add to or strengthen or clarify the verbal message serve the function of ______. ( )
A. regulating B. repeating
C. complementing D. accenting
20. “Rubbing one’s thumb against one’s forefinger and middle finger” means ______ in English body language system. ( )
A. victory B. dirt
C. OK D. money