Ԓ}Do you agree or disagree that the most important thing the government should do to improve health care is to clean the environment.
SR(sh)awareness of health߽how to improve health care ׃ɹP(gun)ĵԒ}issue of public concern(g)^c(din)ǣֻcleaning environment̫^ں(jin)@(g)(f)sroversimplified the complicated situation
Փc(din)1(yng)ԓl(f)չt(y)Ƽ developing medical technologyԭȻкܶ incurable diseases such as cancer and AIDSt(y)g(sh)in great need(yng)ԓГ(dn)؟(z)assume the responsibility M(jn)t(y)M(jn)չmaking progress M(jn)L(zhng)prolonging the life expectancyM(jn)һeӣ
Փc(din)2(yng)ԓwO(sh)ʩplace emphasis on improving the sports infrastructure˂܉ڽ work out regularly˂呟Խϵy(tng)immune system Խ(qing)
Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health?
1. The kind of food you eat
2. The amount of exercise
3. The amount of stress in your life