Task 1
In stead of printing books in paper version , the university decides to release only online version of textbooks. Discuss at least an advantage and disadvantage of this change.
Task 2
Some professors prefer to answer studentsquestions in the end of the lecture, and others stop at different points to answer students questions. Which style do you think is better for learning?
Task 3
xNew Student Orientation
ԭ(li)W(xu)УֻMһorientation, F(xin)ڴsummer ĕr(sh)M1. (hu)ʹÌW(xu)څcиflexibility 2. ʹÿ(g)F(tun)wСӵintimate.
ŮX(ju)@(g)׃ܺȥĕr(sh)Ҫȥһ(g)Ǻorientation _ͻ˶εorientation, ͿԼ(xing)fit inСȺwHܵȺwװl(f)չxһ(g)ѵČW(xu)УMorientation ˾ͱ^ͨ^(gu)һЩ(dng)У@Ľ(li)ѡ
Task 4
x Frequency illusion
(tng) ӣef(shu)(dng)һ(xing)P(gun)M. Eˇg(sh)ҵоڿҕĕr(sh)l(f)F(xin)һ(g)lڲP(gun)ڴˇg(sh)ҵˇg(sh)Ʒļo(j)ƬԞ½ŵŰl(f)F(xin)Ĕzںܶǰѽ(jng)ԓl˺ܶ(li)ȥһҳȥIJ^l(f)F(xin)^Ҳһԓˇg(sh)FһƷԃ(wn)ϰϰf(shu)@ѽ(jng)˺L(zhng)r(sh)gˣ@ҵ_(ki)ʼ͒ǰā(li)](mi)ע
Task 5
(wn)}ЌW(xu)·Ϟtomato sauce, ȻQԼȥgym\(yn)(dng)呟t-shirt,Ђ(g)(du)ĩԇҪpresentation, X(ju)ԼϴIJʽԭ·Ǟpresentation (zhn)
Solution 1: presentation ֮ǰЩr(sh)gԻؼғQ·?yn)鲻̫Ϥpresentationă(ni)r(sh)g(x)һ
Solution 2ϵ@(ji)\(yn)(dng)T-shirt,ǸX(ju)@(li)̫(yn)C
Task 6
(bio)}How marine animals can benefit from floatsam
ӣ1. mobility oyster ͿԸƯϵ_(d)h(yun)ֳ̎
2. Provide shelter and help escape seaweed Ԏfish_(ki)predator