
      (dng)ǰλãAԇW(wng) >> иԇ >> v} >> Z} >> 2018324иZ}ؑ


      AԇW(wng)   2018-03-25    С


      }ؑJ(rn)֙C(j)Ă(g)܌W(xu)ճ(daily life)ã֙C(j)/ /recording lecture?


      }˼·xһ}Ŀһ(g)x(xing)֮go(yu)֮hȿxһ(g)easy opinionx(xing)Ȼһ˼·չ_

      1. xA,ɂ(g)Փc(din)fAă(yu)c(din);

      2. xA,һ(g)Փc(din)fAă(yu)c(din)ڶ(g)Փc(din)fB/Cȱc(din)(ÿԽY(ji)Aչ_);

      3. xA,һ(g)Փc(din)fAă(yu)c(din)ڶ(g)Փc(din)fMB/Cʲôã߀xA?yn)?

      ģIn my opinion, recording lectures is definitely the most useful and only useful function for students among these three options;

      To begin with, there are a great number of lectures and courses for students to learn in the campus, and students cannot understand everything fully if they just listen once, so it is necessary to record and play back so that students wont feel stressful if they miss certain points in the class; On the other hand, the functions of listening to music or taking photos can be distracting to students and wouldnt be helpful to their study, while I believe the major task for students in the campus is to learn.

      Task 2




      1. e(cu)DzL^ܶ?yn)麦·e(cu)҇LԇһֱoM(jn);ֻ֮ڷe(cu)ŕ(hu)ҵɹ·۵

      2. ڷe(cu)ĺӸš挦?yn)@ӵĺһL(fng)ԕ(hu)Ц

      ģIt goes without saying that the latter one is the right way to cultivate a child. Firstly, the process of making mistakes is the process of growth. A lot of people cannot make progress in their life simply because they are afraid of making mistakes; In contrast, if you dare to fail, you will eventually have a chance to succeed. And I believe one of best example is Thomas Edison, who had failed thousands of times before he successfully invented electric bulb. Moreover, children who dare to make mistakes are more likely to be optimistic about life, especially during difficult times, because they understand life is not plain sailing.

      Task 3

      }ؑx֌W(xu)УӋ(j)ڌW(xu)Уͨ(city center)Ļ܇վ


      1. ҲЌW(xu)Уn(summer class)Ϳԇ̕(hu)кܴ߀Ǖ(hu);

      2. m܇ٶȿ죬W(xu)Уһ(g)܇վҲͨĵľ·m



      The university plans to XXX.

      In the conversation, the man/woman agree/disagree with this proposal for two reasons.

      Firstly, XXX.

      Secondly, XXX.

      ģThe university plans to build a railway station near the campus and there will be a railway line directly from the campus to city center.

      In the conversation, the woman disagrees with this plan. Firstly, shes convinced that the railway project will still be distracting to a lot of students even during the summer holiday, since there will be students taking summer classes or exams at that time. In addition, though train will be faster, the woman thinks the existing bus route would be sufficient. According to the woman, currently there is a bus route directly from the campus to city center, despite being slow, the price for bus ticket is affordable to most students.

      Task 4

      x֣οƌW(xu)pseudoscienceЩ˕(hu)misleading claimsŵV_M(fi)

       ֣eP(gun)Α(brain games)@Щ˾ھW(wng)վQ@ЩΑ(hu)׌׃”߀fnjѽ(jng)(yn)CǺܶ˕(hu)?yn)@Щ^ƌW(xu)(j)XُIa(chn)ƷȻһȺоˆTϾW(wng)l(f)F(xin)@Щ(sh)(yn)O(sh)Ӌ(j)(yn)֔(jn)ܵó_нY(ji)Փ(not convincing)˂ԩX



      XXX(xеĸ) refers to XXX,

      In the lecture, the professor gives an example of XXX

      ģPseudoscience refers to the activity of inserting misleading claims appeared as scientific facts into advertisement in order to lure customers to buy certain products or services.

      In the lecture, the professor gives an example of brain games. There were companies claiming on the internet that the games they developed would make people smarter, and they announced that certain experts already made thorough research on the effectiveness of these brain games. As a result, lots of customers bought these games because they trusted these claims. However, later these claims turned out to be fake, and the research done by the so-called experts were indeed insufficient, and thus not convincing

      Task 5


      a. ȥ;ԺȥǕ(hu)ˬsтҺͽÂһϴW(xu)òЙC(j)(hu)һȥ~s;

      b. ׌ȥԼȥϼҊ



      The woman is going to XXX(event).However, she XXX(conflict)

      There are two solutions for the woman, she could either XXX or XXX.

      If I were the woman, I would choose to XXX.

      The first reason it that XXX,

      Secondly, XXX.

      The woman is going to have a basketball match in the weekend. However, she just remembered she had plan a trip with her friends to New York and shes struggling about what to do.

      There are two solutions, the woman can either cancel the trip or asks her friends to go without her and meets her friends during the summer holiday.

      If I were the woman, I would choose the second solution. Firstly, it is not wise to cancel this trip at last minute, the womans friends can still enjoy the trip by themselves, plus they have already paid for the hotel, it is a waste money if they dont go.

      Secondly, the woman can focus on the match and wouldnt feel too sorry for her friends since her friends are still going, while the woman can see them during the summer break in their hometown.

      Task 6


      һDŽ(dng)w׃С?yn)ƫ򲶫Cwe(dng)ʳ~(dng)˂Ѵ~С~܉pass their genes to the next generation;

      ǴX׃?yn)?dng)Ҫm(yng)changeable environment”ĕ(hu)W(xu)(hu)ڳ͌ʳX”ĕ(hu)ѻoһ



      The professor talks XXX(ּ).

      Firstly, XXX.

      Secondly, XXX.

      ģThe professor talks about two ways how human activities affect animal evolution.

      Firstly, it causes animals to grow smaller. This is because human tend to hunt those animals bigger in size as food source. Take fish as an example, when people caught huge number of big fish, smaller fish sustain and they are able to pass their genes to the next generation;

      Secondly, animals began to have larger brain, since they have to adapt to changeable environment and survive. The professor then gives an example of mice, in order to survive in the city and search for food, mice evolve to be smarter, and only the smarter ones will survive and pass their gene to the next generation.
