
      ǰλãAԇW(wng) >> иԇ >> иo >> и >> и-lԒ}


      AԇW(wng)   2016-01-09    С



      (1)1.13Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you thinkthat dailyhomework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and detailsto support your answer.


      (3)1.19 Agree or disagree: Most people often let others make decisions forthem rather thanmake decisions by themselves.

      (4)1.26speaking important or writing important?


      (6)3.3Because people are too busy doing many things,they can do few thingswell.

      (7)3.4intodays world, the ability to cooperate well with others is moreimportant than before.Agree or not



      (10)4.21Ӱҕ[movies and television]p˵О鷽ʽ[the way youngpeoplebehavior]ҪOӰo

      (11)4.29there are so many events happening everyday in the world, we donthave to know

      (12)5.18It is better to spend money on something that lasts for a longtime, such as anexpensive piece of jewelry or spend on something that providesa short-term pleasure such asa vacation?

      (13)5.19̎Ƿԓ@ødoctors, lawyers, business leadersһӵ

      (14)6.920years from now, people will have more leisure time

      (15)6.16Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents findit hard to controltheir children for the children are now influenced by manythings outside home like televisionor movie.

      (16)6.24 Do you prefer to finish a project completely then to another oneor do two or severalprojects at a time?

      (17)6.30 letting a friends make a mistake is better than saying or doingsomething that maydestroy your friendship.

      (18)7.7university students should be required to take basic science classeseven if they are notpart of the field of the study.

      (19)7.14To truly understand world event, we should get our news fromnewspaper; televisioncannot provide enough information.

      (20)7.21Modern society has become more complex, so it is essential for theyoung people tohave the ability to plan and organize.

      (21)7.28Inuniversity students should take the history courses no matterwhat field they study.

      (22)8.4Agree or disagree: The next twenty years from now on, students willnot use printedbooks any more.

      (23)8.11The only effective way to encourage energy conservation is byincreasing prices ofgasoline and electricity. Do you agree or disagree?

      (24)8.17Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The adviceyou take from thefriends who are older than you is valuable than that takenform. the friends at your age

      (25)8.25Do you agree or disagree: Schools should not pay so much attentionto general objectsbut should help students prepare for specific careers andjobs.

      (26)9.8 A teachers ability torelate with the students is more importantthan have sufficient knowledge being taught.

      (27) 9.15 working together is better than working alone. Do you agree ordisagree?

      (28)9.22Do you agree or disagree:The extended family (grandparents, aunt,uncle, cousins) isless important than it was before?

      (29) 9.29 when relaxing, some people like to spend time alone. Whats youropinion?

      (30) 10.17WԓҪеČWW˱ĻĻ?

      (31)10.20Some people think ones working is more important than being withones family,do you agree?

      (32) 10.27оЛ]ЌJRhuman natureЎ


      (34) 11.11 Advertisements make products seem better than they are. Do youagree or disagree?

      (35) 11.24 People will spend less time in cooking and preparing food in 20years later. Do youagree or disagree?

      (36) 12.1 People should not pay for the public transportation. Do you agreeor disagree?
