Architect / 5B:kitekt / W(xu)
architecture / 5B:kitektFE / W(xu)
art gallery / 5^AlEri / g(sh)^
autograph / 5C:tE^rB:f / E
calligraphy / kE5li^rEfi /
Castle / 5kB:sl / DZ
cathedral / kE5Wi:drEl /
framing b
imitating Rġ
impressionistic style / im7preFE5nistik / ӡL(fng)
landscape painting / 5lAndskeip / ɽˮ
mosque / mCsk /
oil painting ͮ
panorama / 7pAnE5rB:mE / ȫ
paste / peist / Ѻ
pastel drawing / pAs5tel / ʷۮ
perspective / pE5spektiv / ҕ
portrait / 5pC:trit / Ф
poster / 5pEustE / N
pyramid / 5pirEmid /
repair person
sketch / sketF /
skyscraper/ 5skaIskreIpE(r) / Ħ
Sphinx / sfINks / {
the Statue of Liberty Ů
theTriumphal Arch / trai5QmfEl / PT