ox meaningless, insignificant
F(xin)ڵ present, current
(yng) employ, apply, make use of, take advantage of ,
h(yun) profound, insight, far-reaching
F(xin) realistic, realism
romantic, romanticism
describe, interpret
l(f)չƽ the balance of the development
superstition heresy ͽ heretic Ի puzzle, baffle, confuse
I(lng)(do) leader, bellwether I(lng)(do)|(zh) charisma
delegate, representative
r era, period
lay behind
ɳx jingoism, chauvinism
ȹP(gun)ϵ nepotism
ֵ÷Qٝ laudable
a complementary, supplemental
Ŀ objective, purpose, goal, aim hostility
epitome, epitomize
그 juvenile delinquency
refine and hone
(jng) experience, Ӗ(xn) lesson
democracy democratic
茑˵ărֵ, Ʒ|(zh) probity, honesty, bravery
̈(zh) tenacious, stubborn