
      (dng)ǰλãAԇW(wng) >> иԇ >> иo(do) >> иx >> иԇxC(j)(jng)~31


      AԇW(wng)   2013-10-02    С
         The First National Park ȫһҹ@ National Marine Sanctuaries Program o(h)^(q)
          EVOLUTION ݻ ݻ
          Charles Darwin 頖˹_(d)ģ The Origin of Life Դ The Early Earth ڵĵ Religious Explanations Դڽ̵Ľጣ The Theory of Spontaneous Generation Դ ȻՓ Modern Theories ԴF(xin)Փ Origins of Animals (dng)Դ Coevolution ͬݻ Speciation Nγɣ Extinction N^ Paleontology W(xu) Fossils ʯ Stratigraphy ،ӌW(xu) Index Fossils ָ(zhn)ʯ Stratigraphic Column ،،棩 The Cambrian Period o(j)
          The Devonian Period o(j) The Carboniferous Period ʯ̿o(j) The Mesozoic Era Triassic Period o(j) Jurassic Period ٪_o(j) Chinas Feathered Dinosaurs (Sinosauropteryx) Ї AB Archaeopteryx ʼB Evolution of Feathers ëݻ Fierce Mammal Ate Dinos for Lunch 2005/1/13 (dng)Cʳ The Cenozoic Era The Pleistocene Epoch Mammoth Extinction Myths Lë^˼ Human Evolution ݻ Homo ˌ٣ Homo Sapiens ˷N Paleoanthropology W(xu) The Process of Evolution ݻ^̣ Primates `LĿ Jane Goodall 䣮ŵ£ Primate Classification `LĿķ Hominoid Classification Գķ
          Giganton : The Real King Kong (The Bigfoot-Giganto Hypothesis) ԳĽ The First Humans: Australopithecines һ(g) ¼o(j)`L(dng) Raymond Dart and The Taung Child (The Skull War) T_(d)صă ͯ~һʷ_֣ Why Did Humans Evolve? ʲôݻ Benefits of Bipedalism ߵă(yu)c(din) The Footprints of Early Hominids ԭʼE The Genus Homo ˌ٣ Homo Erectus ֱˣ Neandertals ᰲˣ
          MOLECULAR BIOLOGY΢W(xu) ΢W(xu)
          Cell (x) The Discovery and Study of Cells (x)İl(f)F(xin)cо Looking At A Cell: Microscope @΢Rµļ(x) Shapes of Cells (x)Π Inside A Living Cell (x)ă(ni) The Cell In Disease (x) Death of A Cell (x)
          The Code of Life ܴa Chromosomes Ⱦɫw The Sex Chromosomes Ⱦɫw DNA ÓǺᣭȾɫwͻĽMɲ֣ RNA Ǻᣩ Cell Division and Reproduction (x)cֳ Mitosis нzѣ Meiosis p(sh)ѣ Heredity z Heredity and Environment (Nature Versus Nurture) zch(hun) B(yng)ɣ Asexual and Sexual Reproduction oֳcֳ Reproduction of An Amoeba װԭxķֳ Dominant-Recessive Inheritance @ԡ[z Albinism ӣ Genetics zW(xu) Mendel T  Thomas Hunt Morgan ʿأĦ Mutations ͻ׃ Genetic Engineering ẓ Recombinant Dna Dna ؽM Cloning oԷֳ