Marine Mammal Vocalizations: Language Or Behavior Z߀О? Manateeţ [Dugong] ųޣ Can Fishes Hear? ~ X Flatfish Ŀ~ Starfish ǣ Echinoderms Ƥ Sea Cucumber Crustacean ך Barnacle ىأ Sea Anemone Sponge d The Bodies of Sponges dw Algae 壩 Lichen £ Corals ɺ Synchronized Spawning ɺͬa(chn)ѣ Amphibian ɗ 3 Main Amphibian Groups (Frogs and toads, Salamanders, Caecilians) NҪăɗȺc Frog Life Cycle ڣ The Mystery of Amphibian Declines ɗ˥˼
Beaver Polar Bear Oܣ
Alchemy g(sh)F(xin)W(xu)Դ Everyday Applications of Chemistry W(xu)ճ\(yn)ã Physical Changes ׃ Chemical Change W(xu)׃ Elements W(xu)Ԫأ formation of The Periodic Table ڱγɣ The Structure of Atoms ԭӵĽY(ji)(gu) Quarks ˣ Isotope ͬλأ Molecule ӣ Compounds Ion xӣ Valence ԭӃr Radioactivity 侀 Curie, Marie Sklodowska ӶYˣ Quantum Mechanics W(xu)
Titanium Titanium Dioxide Nickel 懣 Shape Memory Alloys (Smas) ΠӛϽ Gold S Mercury ˮy Diamond @ʯ Diamonds : The Real Story һ@ʯ挍(sh)£ Carat V.S. Karat c룩 Polymer ۺ Charcoal ľ̿ Petroleum ʯͣ Refining Oil ͣ Salt } Salt From The Sea }
W(xu) 8 ãPHYSICS W(xu)
Mechanics W(xu) Heat ᣩ How Heat Travels (do)
Latent Heat ᣩ Insulation ^w Putting Heat to Work \(yn)ã Phlogiston أ Sound Frequency and Pitch lcߣ Supersonic Speed ٣ Wavelength L Intensity and Loudness (qing)c푶ȣ Quality |(zh) How Sound Behaves \(yn) Reflection 䣩 Echo & Narcissus cˮɻһϣD_RԒĐ£ Electricity 늣 Static Electricity o늣 Conductors and Insulators (do)wc^w Superconductor (do)w Semiconductor 댧(do)w Electric Current Direct and Alternating Current ֱc늣 Electric Lighting 늟 Electromagnetism 늴ţ