Novas ǣ Neutron Stars and Pulsars c}_ǣ Black Hole ڶ Beta Pictoris L £ The Solar System ̫ϵ The Terrestrial Planets ǣ The Jovian Planets ľǣ Mars ǣ Jupiter ľǣ Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision With Jupiter ÷ˣ 9 ̖ײľǣ Europa ľl(wi)W_ͣ Saturn ǣ Pluto ڤǣ The Kuiper Belt 첮 Comets ǣ Asteroid Сǣ The Sun ̫ꖣ Zones of The Sun ̫ꖵĽY(ji)(gu) Sunspots ̫ꖺӣ Energy Output From The Sun ̫ɢl(f) Revolves / Rotate D(zhun)D(zhun)
Solstice / Equinox Ķ֣ Phases of The Moon ӯȱ Moon Albedo ʣ Lunar Sea (Maria) Armstrong ķ˹ʣ Surface of The Moon 棩 Origin of The Moon Դ Solar Eclipse g Lunar Eclipse g Meteors ǣ The Constellations Astrology ռnjW(xu) Pseudoscience οƌW(xu)
GEOLOGY|(zh)W(xu) |(zh)W(xu)
Internal Structure of The Earth (ni)Ę(gu)죩 Plate Tectonics K(gu)Փ The Theory of Continental Drift hƌW(xu)f Continental Crust ꑰK
Oceanic Crust K The Mid-Atlantic Ridge Seafloor Spreading Kչ Hot Spot c Caldera ͻɽڣ Volcanic Materials ɽl(f)|(zh) Lava r{ Mount Saint Helens: Fire and Ice ʥɽcƽ⣩ Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics ɽcƯƣ The Ring of Fire h(hun)̫ƽɽ Predicting Eruptions ɽl(f)A(y)y Tsunami [ The Year Without A Summer o֮꣩ Geyser gЪȪ Catastrophe (zi)y Three Main Types of Plate Boundaries NҪ͑B(ti)İK߅ Divergent Plate Boundaries xK߅ Great Rift Valley In Africa |Ǵѹȣ Convergent Plate Boundaries ۺϰK߅ Transform Plate Boundaries D(zhun)ΰK߅ San andreas Fault, California ʥ˹ӣ Triple Junctions (lin)Y(ji)(gu)죩