Art Deco bˇg Egyptian Revival drڣ The International Style HL Postmodernism F(xin)x
The Importance of Music Ҫԣ The Elements of Music Ԫأ Absolute Pitch ^ߣ Musical Instruments Stringed Instruments Ҙ Wind Instruments ܘ Percussion Instruments Keyboard Instruments IP Electronic Instruments Ә Musical Notation V Western Music Classical Music ŵ䘷 Instrumental Music Main Types of Orchestral Music ҘҪ͑B(ti) Vocal Music Classical Music forms ŵ䘷ʽ Popular Music The History of Popular Music ʷ The Colonial Period (1607-1776) ֳrڣ
Revolutionary War to 1840 (zhn)1840 ꣩ 1840s to The Civil War 1840 ϱ(zhn) The Civil War (1861-1865) ϱ(zhn) Vaudeville and Musical Comedy Cˇcpϲ Folk Music Kinds of Folk Music ķN Blues {{(dio) The History of Jazz ʿĚvʷ The Roots of Jazz ʿĸԴ Ragtime The Swing Era u[r The Recording Era The Rise of Country Music l(xing)d Rhythm and Blues (ji){{(dio) Rock N Roll uL Ray Charles ף頖˹ Soul Music ` Rap ࣩ Dance 赸 Folk Dances 赸 Social Dances 罻裩 Ballet ٣
Modern Dance F(xin)裩 Musical Comedy Tap Dancing ̤裩
ECONOMICS(jng)W (jng)W
Capitalism Yx GDP (ni)a(chn)ֵ Central Planning ƽ(jng)ʽ Income ã棩 Public Utilities I(y) Economic Stability (jng)(wn) The Fed (lin)ʂ European Foundations of U.S. Business ̘I(y)ӵĚW History of American Economics (jng)ʷ Monopoly and Competition Ŕc Antitrust Laws ˹ Advertising V棩 Ways of Advertising VĸNʽ Direct Mail ֱ]ģ Advertising Techniques Vַ