swell swell swiftly symmetric synthesis
expand enlargement quickly balance combination
v. ; [Û n. ; [Û ad. Ѹٵ a. (du)Q; n. ϳ
tactual tailspin take take place tame tangible tangible tantalizing taper task technique teem with tempting tend tendency tenet tenet tension terminalterrain testify therefore therefore thoroughly threaten threshold through thus tie tie timid textural total confusion require occur domesticate material physical anxious diminish work method be full of appealing care for inclination belief principle pressure final tract (Ƭ) give evidence consequently in that purpose completely endanger limit by consequently connection relation fearful
a. |X(ju) n. y; ʧ v. Ҫ phrv. l(f) v. Z; Z a. ε; (sh)H a. ε; (sh)H a. dz v. u׃С n. ΄(w) n. ֶ; phrv. M; 鲼 a. ˵; T˵ v. څ; n. A n. ԭt; ŗl n. ԭt; ŗl n. o a. ĩ˵; Kc(din) n. ; (sh) v. C ad. ad. ad. ȫ; ص v. Σ n. ; ʼc(din) prep. ͨ^(gu) ad. n. B; P(gun)ϵ n. B; P(gun)ϵ a. đӵ
toil tolerate toxic track track tracts (of land) transfer transform transformation transformation transformation transformation transforming transitory transitory transitory transitory trappings trauma traverse trend trend tricky trigger trigger truism turbulent turn typical
work endure poisonous follow observe (^; ^y(c)) area move deform conversion change rotation shuffle changing ephemeral short-lived temporary transient decorations damage cross movement tendency difficult start initiate it was evidence that agitated change to ordinary
ڄڄ(dng) ж ۙ; ۙ ۙ; ۙ Ƭ D(zhun); D(zhun)׃ D(zhun)׃ D(zhun); D(zhun)Q D(zhun); D(zhun)Q D(zhun); D(zhun)Q D(zhun); D(zhun)Q D(zhun); D(zhun)Q ̕ ̕ ̕ ̕ b p; (chung) M^(gu); ^(gu) څ(sh); څ(sh); ƻ; ֵ |l(f); l(f) |l(f); l(f) Զĵ (dng) ʹ׃ ƽ