
      ǰλãAԇW >> иԇ >> иo >> иx >> иԇиxvx10


      AԇW   2013-07-28    С

      6: Implicit in it is an aesthetic principle as well: (that the medium has certain qualities of beauty and expressiveness with which (sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sensibilities into harmony)).

      7: Most important perhaps, was that (they had all maintained with a certain fidelity(Z) a manner of technique and composition consistent with those of Americas first popular landscapes artist, Thomas Cole, (who built a career painting the Catskill Mountain scenery bording the Hudson River)).

      ͽY: S + Vt + prep + n1 (~Z)+ n2, VteZHn2.

      8: With the turn-of-century Crafts movement and the discovery of nontraditional sources of inspiration(), such as wooden African figures and masks, there arose a new urge for hands-on, personal execution of art and an interaction with the medium(Z).

      9: Accustomed though we are to(b) speaking of the films made before 1927 as slient, the film has never been seen, in the full sense of the word, silent.

      ͽY: adj + though + S + be + prep + n = though + S +be + adj + prep + n, Hl(f)׌Zľ.

      10: Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem(ͬλZ), to the health of the Earth and human well-being(Z).

      ͽY: the importance of A to B = A B Ҫ
