
      (dng)ǰλãAԇW(wng) >> иԇ >> иo(do) >> и (tng) >> 2016иԇ (tng)زÿտc(din)(20

      2016иԇ (tng)زÿտc(din)(20

      AԇW(wng)   2016-11-02    С

      1If you dont work hard today youll try hard to look for a new job tomorrow.칤ŬŬҹ

      2Harry found a job in the company.@ҹ˾ҵ˹Henry works with the bank.yϰ

      3His parents lost their job and his family couldnt afford him to go to college.ĸĸʧI(y)o(w)֧ϴW(xu)

      ʾʧI(y)f(shu)߀Уbe laid off get a pink note be dismissed be fired be given the bush be given the sack be axed give the boot get cannedȵ

      4Now John has decided to turn over a new leaf and go to school on time every day.F(xin)ڼsQ^(gu)ÿ(zhn)r(sh)όW(xu)

      5We live on salary but cant feed on it. We cant get what we want in the faraway town.҂YܳnƱ@(g)ƫƧС(zhn)҂IҪĖ|

      6The beggars lived by begging in the street.@Щؤڽ^ӑ

      7Grandpa told me in the old days they lived a miserable life.游Vf(hu)^(gu)K

      Ƶf(shu)Уlive/lead a happy life(^(gu)Ҹ) live a dogs life(^(gu)ţR) live a great life(Ă) live up to ones expectation(ؓ(f)ij˵) live a lie(^(gu)̓ε)
