So, what would such a planet need?
Student: Water?
Professor: Yes, it need to be the right temperature to sustain liquid water.
Student: And it would need to be a rocky planet, I mean, as opposed to a gas giant.
Professor: Ok, good. An earth-like planet. Now, as to that, there are some recently detected exoplanets that might actually be earth-like.
For example, theres a red dwarf star, thats what most stars are, um...thats called Gliese 581.
Gliese 581 is...well, its a lot more interesting than that name makes it seem.
This host star is considered a near neighbor of our solar system because its only about 20 light years away.
Its pretty close by astronomical standards, and being a red dwarf star, its small and relatively cool, at least compared with the Sun.
And researchers have discovered planets orbiting Gliese 581.
These exoplanets have been named, ready? Gliese 581 B, C, D, E, in alphabetical order of their discovery.
fһ(g)tɫİֺǶǰGliese 581
Gliese 581...... Ȥ
оˆTl(f)F(xin)˭h(hun)@Gliese 581\(yn)е
@Щ......ゃ(zhn)ˆ?հl(f)F(xin)ĸքeGliese 581 B, C, D, E