һDŽ(dng)w׃С?yn)ƫCwe(dng)ʳ~(dng)˂Ѵ~С~܉(li)pass their genes to the next generation;
ǴX׃?yn)?dng)Ҫm(yng)changeable environmentĕ(hu)(li)W(xu)(hu)ڳ͌ʳXĕ(hu)(li)ѻoһ
lecture;(dng) evolution c(dng)P(gun)һ(dng)wԽ׃?c)С~˂(hu)Ѵ~ֻС~ܴ(li)~ pass their genes to the next generation~׃Сڶ(dng)XԽ׃׃ micemice W(xu)(hu)ڳ͌ʳXĕ(hu)(li)Ծ pass their genes to the next generation
The professor talks about two ways how human activities affect animal evolution.
Firstly, it causes animals to grow smaller. This is because human tend to hunt those animals bigger in size as food source. Take fish as an example, when people caught huge number of big fish, smaller fish sustain and they are able to pass their genes to the next generation;
Secondly, animals began to have larger brain, since they have to adapt to changeable environment and survive. The professor then gives an example of mice, in order to survive in the city and search for food, mice evolve to be smarter, and only the smarter ones will survive and pass their gene to the next generation.