白頭偕老 growing old together
伴郎 groomsman [5^ru:mzmEn]; best man
伴娘 bride’s maid
彩禮 betrothal gifts; bride-price
吃喜酒 celebrating at the wedding feast
訂婚 get engaged
訂婚戒指 band [bAnd]; engagement ring
訂婚禮 betrothal [bi5trEuTEl]
恩愛夫妻 affectionate couple
夫妻關系 matrimonial relationship
紅娘 go-between
花轎 bridal sedan chair
花轎 sedan [si5dAn]
婚禮 wedding [5wediN]
婚紗 bridal veil
婚宴 wedding banquet, wedding dinner
結婚登記 marriage registration
結婚典禮 marriage ceremony
結婚戒指 diamond [5daiEmEnd];wedding ring
結婚證 marriage certificate
媒人 matchmaker [5mAtF7meikE]
蜜月 honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]
鬧洞房 teasing the bride (on wedding night)
配偶 spouse [spauz]
求婚 proposal [prE5pEuzEl], courtship [5kC:tFip]
天長地久 everlasting love
晚禮服 evening gown
未婚夫 fiancé [fi5B:nsei]
未婚妻 fianceé [fi5B:nsei]
喜糖 wedding candy
喜宴 wedding feast
相親 marriage interview
新婚夫婦 newly weds
新郎 bridegroom [5braid^ru:m]
新娘 bride [braid]
新娘禮服 bridal dress
迎親 fetching the bride
岳母 mother-in-law
終生伴侶 life companion