
      ǰλãAԇW(wng) >> иԇ >> ԇӑB(ti) >> ԇ >> 2016иԇu֘˜ʣ fx

      2016иԇu֘˜ʣ fx

      AԇW(wng)   2016-08-10    С



      и fx֝M30Ӌ120֡и80ஔи550֣и100ஔи600


      _}Ŀ(sh) ÷ _}Ŀ(sh) ÷ _}Ŀ(sh) ÷
      1 0 16 6 31 17
      2 0 17 6 32 18
      3 0 18 7 33 19
      4 0 19 7 34 20
      5 0 20 8 35 21
      6 1 21 8 36 22
      7 1 22 9 37 23
      8 2 23 10 38 24
      9 2 24 11 39 25
      10 3 25 12 40 26
      11 3 26 13 41 27
      12 4 27 14 42 28
      13 4 28 15 43 29
      14 5 29 16 44 29
      15 5 30 16 45 30

      и u֘˜

      и һ6ƪ34}6ƪлش_}Ŀ(sh)ġtotal pointsһ}еĿҪش_õpointpx}ֻауɂ_𰸶xõ pointxx`x

      _}Ŀ(sh) ÷ _}Ŀ(sh) ÷ _}Ŀ(sh) ÷
      1 0 14 7 27 22
      2 0 15 8 28 23
      3 0 16 8 29 24
      4 0 17 9 30 25
      5 1 18 11 31 26
      6 2 19 13 32 27
      7 2 20 14 33 29
      8 3 21 15 34 30
      9 3 22 15
      10 4 23 16
      11 4 24 17
      12 5 25 19
      13 6 26 21



      4 ANSWER TO QUESTION The student answers the question thoroughly.
      COMPREHENSIBILITY The student can be understood completely.
      ORGANIZATION The student s response is well organized and developed.
      FLUENCY The student s speech is generally fluent.
      PRONUNCIATION The student has generally good pronunciation.
      GRAMMAR The student uses advanced grammatical structures with a high degree of accuracy.
      VOCABULARY The student uses advanced vocabulary with a high degree of accuracy.
      3 ANSWER TO QUESTION The student answers the questions adequately but not thoroughly.
      COMPREHENSIBILITY The student can generally be understood.
      ORGANIZATION The students response is organized basically and is not thoroughly developed.
      FLUENCY The students speech is generally fluent, with minor problems.
      PRONUNCIATION The student has generally good pronunciation, with minor problems.
      GRAMMAR The student uses either accurate easier grammatical structures or more advanced grammatical structures with some errors.
      VOCABULARY The student uses either accurate easier vocabulary or more advanced vocabulary with some errors.
      2 ANSWER TO QUESTION The student discusses information from the task but does not answer the question directly.
      COMPREHENSIBILITY The student is not always intelligible.
      ORGANIZATION The students response is not clearly organized and is incomplete or contains some inaccurate points.
      FLUENCY The students speech is not very fluent and has a number of problems.
      PRONUNCIATION The students pronunciation is not very clear, with a number of problems.
      GRAMMAR The student has a number of errors in grammar or uses only very basic grammar fairly accurately.
      VOCABULARY The student has a number of errors in grammar or uses only very basic vocaulary fairly accurately.
      1 ANSWER TO QUESTION The students response is only slightly related to the topic.
      COMPREHENSIBILITY The student is only occasionally intelligible.
      ORGANIZATION The students response is not clearly organized and is only minimally on the topic.
      FLUENCY The student has problems with fluency that make-the response difficult to understand.
      PRONUNCIATION The student has problems with pronunciation that make the response difficult to understand.
      GRAMMAR The student has numerous errors in grammar that interfere with meaning.
      VOCABULARY The student has numerous errors in vocabulary that interfere with meaning.
      0 The student either says nothing or fails to answer the question.








      ϾP(gun)иԇBԔ(ni)wиԇĹٷu֘˜ʼx Zu֘˜ʃ(ni)ݣϣȫ˽иԇ

      ԇijF(xin)g(sh)}ܷҪĿԇ? 鿴Ԕ
      ֻܷһԇĿ? 鿴Ԕ

      ииtoeflپW(wng)ԇ 2016иԇrg

      ԇP(gun)ԇc||ԇY(ji)(gu)||||ԇM || ԇ(ni)





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