What do you?
Why you like or dislike this job?
Is your job promising or not? Why?
What jobs are the most popular in your country?
What is the most important when it comes to good job: money (salary), colleagues,boss or the working environment?
Are there any jobs you would not do?
Are there any jobs that only men or women should do?
How do people get paid in your country: weekly, monthly or daily? Are you satisfiedwith this schedule? Why?
Is working in a bank dangerous or not? Why?
Which job is the most respectful job in your country? Why?
Did you ever do a part-time job?
Should or shouldn’t the students be allowed to have a part-time job?
Why do you think that someone are always busy, while some others are always free?對加班有什How do you view overwork? Should people be paid for overwork?
How do you spend the time when you are busy?