1. ~
open an account _(ki) bank/pass book savings account(ch)~ cheque account ֧Ʊ~ current account ~
deposit account ~ monthly savings account Ӌ(j)Ϣ~ daily interest account Ӌ(j)Ϣ~ instant accountٳɑ^ joint account (lin)~ expense account ֧~ signature card credit card ÿ cash card F(xin) debit card ӛ cheque guarantee card ֧Ʊ(dn)
2. ׄ(dng)
deposit draw/withdraw ȡ earn interest ٍȡϢ annual interest rate service charge (w)M(fi)/m(x)M(fi)
cheque book ֧Ʊ order cheque ӛ֧Ʊ rubber cheque ^֧Ʊ blank cheque հ֧Ʊ travelers cheque ֧Ʊ
exchange rate R denomination=face value ~ value/worthֵ bill nƱ cash F(xin) password/code ܴa change X(qin) coin Ӳ four in hundred ďһԪ~ give the money in fives QԪ~ fill out/in (xi) amount in figures С(xi)~ amount in words (xi)~ the balance of your bank account ~~ unit ؛ņλ ounce ˾ penny ʿ nickel ()Ӳ dime ()ʮӲ service charge (w)M(fi) commercial/merchant bank ̘I(y)y full refund ȫ~߀ extension overdraw/overdraft ֧ mortgageѺ rebate ؿ payday l(f)н pay slip/envelop нˮ a princely sum(an excessive amount) by installment ڸ apply for/grant_______a loan Ո(qng)/(zhn)J collateral (dn) debt (w) loan J statement (du)~ money order RƱ
3. ˆT
cashier yT teller/ clerk yT accountant (hu)Ӌ(j)