1. on board ڴ ϻ܇wC 2. boast of (or about) u
3. out of breath ^ 4. in brief(=in as few words as possible)֮
5. in bulk ɢb 6. take the floor l(f) 7. on business k
8. be busy with sth.ij . be busy doing sth. æij
9. last but one (sh)ڶ 10. but for (=without) Ҫǡ ʾO(sh)11. buy sth. formoney öXI
12. be capable of ܉ be capable of being +^ȥ~܉
13. in any case(=for love or money at any rate at any price at any cost whatever happens; anyhow)oՓ
14. in case (=for fear that) fһ;
15. in case of (=in the event of)l(f)fһ in the case of ڡ ͡
16. in no caseκr¶(žb) 17. be cautious of ֔(jn)
18. center one's attention on(=focus one's attention on) ij˵עڡ
19. be certain of (=be sure of) аգ һ20. for certain of (=for sure )϶аյ
21. for the better D(zhun) 22. get the better of (=defeat sb.) ^
23. by birth ڳϣՓѪy(tng) at birth ڳr; give birth to
24. blame sb. for sth. ؟(z)ij . blame sth. on sb. ѡij
25. in blossom_(ָľ) be in blossom_({(dio)B(ti)) come into blossom_({(dio))
һ쎟쎟̎r̎Q·zy̎˴TעԽrO(jin)̎ԃ̎خa(chn)r l(xing)Ҏ(gu)Y(ji)(gu)̎r̎ȫ̎O(sh)O(jin)펟h(hun)Ӱurصӛ·r·O(jin)펟̎ůͨ̎oˮ̎Ӌ̎