1. demand sth. of sb. ijҪ(|(zh))| demand sth. from sb. ijҪ(|(zh))|
2.in demand;on demandܵҪr(sh) 3. be dependent on 4. deprive sb. of sth. Zijij
5. derivefrom(=obtainfrom)ġȡɡderive from(=come from)Դ
6. despair of (=lose all hope of) ^ 7. in despair ^ 8. despite (=in spite of) M
9. in detail Ԕ(x) 10. deviate from ƫx k11. on a diet ijNʳ (ji)ʳ
12. differ fromin cą^(q)eڡ 13. in difficultiesy̎y
14. discharge sb. (from)for (=dismiss sb. from a job for) _
15. fall back (=retreat turn back) ; in disorder Łyأ ǪN
16. on display(=being shown publicly)
17. dispose of (=get rid of throw away)̎ 18. beyond disputeݠhoɠh
19. in dispute ڠhС20. in the distance h(yun)̎ make out qJ(rn)
21. be in debt to sb. ǷĂ
22. on the decline ˥У ڜp in decline ½; on the increase
23. to one's delight ij˸еd to one's regret z; sorrowʹ; relief ; distress ; shame; surprise @; astonishment @;
24. delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.)ϲg ȡ
25. take (a) delight in ϲgɡ ԡ阷
һ쎟쎟̎r(ji)̎Q·zy̎˴TעԽr(ji)O(jin)̎ԃ̎خa(chn)r(ji) l(xing)Ҏ(gu)Y(ji)(gu)̎r̎ȫ̎O(sh)O(jin)펟h(hun)Ӱur(ji)صӛ·r(ji)·O(jin)펟̎ůͨ̎oˮ̎Ӌ(j)̎