the importance of self-confidence
confidence, in a broad sense, comprises self- t rust , self-est eem, cour age and indomitability . this definition , though somewhat vague and unsub st antial , can be appr eciated through experience because in our lifetime, we ar e always seeking to achieve something successful and a re always longing to a ttain a glorious goal , which can only be r eached with the spirit of self-confidence .
as is known , self-confidence is accompanied by will , and that as a twin , offer s hope . those who do not have a st rong will often think themselves unable to car ry out any thorny tasks , while those who have do not find the tas ks unsur - mountably difficult . in fact , when our hea r t is void of selfconfidence , every hope is gone, every thing on which we put our hand s seems to be veiled in dark . for instance , according to exper ts , eve ry year in the entr ance examinations of all kinds , fully-prepared candidates lose nearly 5% to 10% of the full scor es , and consequently meet their water loo simply because they unde restimat e their own abilities on the one hand , and over estimate possible difficulties on the other . as a result , their fear to meet new challenge leads to helpless ness in the examina tion .
self-confidence can be regained ( if you have ever lost it ) by building faith in your self . true , what ever you do, you will encounter ha rdships . but succes s will come to you if you ar e courageous enough to strive for it . i f you ar e not , failur e might be your life-companion .