make a reservation預訂房間
confirm a reservation 確認預訂
cancel a reservation 取消預訂
fully booked / full up / full 客滿
reception 前臺
check in 登記入住
check out 退房
single room 單人房
double room 一張大床的雙人房
twin room 兩張單人床的雙人房
suite 套房
toilet / restroom 廁所
room service 客房服務
tips 小費
business center 商務中心
ball 舞廳
bar 酒吧
Meals included. 包括飲食
Do you have a reservation Sir? Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?)有空房間嗎?
All the rooms are occupied. 房間已滿。