苗族(the Miao) 婦女通常戴銀冠、銀手鐲(bracelet),全身都佩戴銀鏈子,而且是越多越好,越重越好,以此來展示自己的美麗和財富。穿著華麗服裝的苗族女人,身上的銀飾可以重達10 到15 公斤。飾品(ornament)也可以作為愛情承諾的信物,兒童避邪(ward off evil forces) 的吉祥物(mascot),甚至還可以直接作為貨幣流通或存儲。因此,苗族的銀飾不僅是裝飾,也是一種植根于苗族社會生活的文化載體(carrier)。
The Miao women usually wear their silver crown, bracelets and chains all over their body, the more and heavier the better, to show their beauty and wealth. The silver ornaments on a Miao woman in magnificent costume can be as heavy as 10 to 15 kilograms. The ornaments can also be used as token of love promise andmascot for children to ward off evil forces, or even tradable or stored directly as money. Therefore, the silver ornaments of Miao are not only decorations, but also a cultural carrier rooted in the social life of the Miaos.