ĘV(facial makeup)ЇһNˇg(sh)F(xin)ʽ[չʾ˲ͬɫ߀(disposition)͵Ʒ|(zh)ĘVҲڱ_(d)ɫİHĘVвͬɫ,tS{(ln)סGyĘVɫtɫ\ֱɫyɫͨ`ĘVoŮ݆Tڱб_(d)
Facial makeup is a special art form in Chineseoperas.They distinctly show the appearances ofdifferent roles as well as their dispositions and moraltraits.In addition, facial makeups also serve toexpress praise or condemnation toward thecharacters.Different colors such as red, yellow, blue, white, black, purple, green, gold and silverare used for facial makeups.The main color in a facial makeup symbolizes the disposition ofthe character.For example,red indicates devotion,courage and uprightness, while gold andsilver are usually used for gods and spirits.Facial makeups can assist the actors and actresses inexpressing their feelings when they act.
1.չʾ˲ͬɫ߀͵Ʒ|(zh)ء gdistinctlyչʾͬɫgshow the appearances of different roles߀СԓеͬڡҲas well as_(d)顱 ͡Ʒ|(zh)Էքegdispositionsmoral traits
2.ĘVҲڱ_(d)ɫİHڱ_(d)gserve to express,@serveǡ...á˼ɫİHgpraise or condemnation toward the characters
3.ĘVoŮ݆Tڱб_(d)Уԓgһ(f)Ͼ顰Ů݆TݕrĘVԎ_(d)СFacial makeups assist the actors and actresses in expressing theirfeelings when they actСogassist