
      (dng)ǰλãԇW(wng) >> ӢZļ(j)ԇ >> ļ(j)g >> hgӢ >> 201612ӢZļ(j)ԇg~R2


      ԴԇW(wng)   2016-10-29    С

      aggregate demand

      o aggregate supply

      I(y)Ļ corporate/entrepreneurial culture

      I(y) corporate image (Cl); enterprise image

      (gu)˾ cross-national corporation

      (chung)I(y) enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit

      YI(y) foreign-funded enterprise


      ս(jng)(j) holiday economy

      Yhuman capital

      պͺ칤I(y)aerospace industry

      wC(j)칤I(y)aircraft industry

      ӹI(y) electronic industry

      ܇칤I(y) car industry

      ʘI(y) entertainment industry

      Ϣa(chn)I(y) information industry

      ֪R(sh)ܼͮa(chn)I(y) knowledge-intensive industry

      (gu)дI(y) large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises

      pI(y) light industry

      ʘI(y) lottery industry

      I(y) manufacturing industry

      ŔИI(y) monopoly industries

      Ј(chng)Ԫ market diversification

      Ј(chng)(jng)(j) market economy

      Ј(chng)O(jin) market supervision

      ُ(gu)I purchasing power

      bear market

      ţ bull market

      (zhn) urbanization

      خa(chn) real estate

      ׸ down-payment

      I(y) home owner

      (g)ُ(gu)J individual housing loan

      (jng)(j)ȫ economic globalization

      (jng)(j)؅^(q) special economic zones (SEZ)

      (jng)(j)L(zhng) economic growth

      ĭ(jng)(j) bubble economy

      P(gun)tariff{tax payer

      ^(jng)(j)macro economy

      ؛Ͷ the size of money supply

      (dng)^ʣexcess liquidity

      (jng)(j)^ overheated economy

      Сˮƽ a well-off standard
