ӢZļԇ ~R
job hunting ҹ impression ӡ
search a job ҹ experienced (jng)S
want ads ƸV inexperienced ]н(jng)
recruit Ƹ qualified Yv
positionλ qualification YvY
opening/vacancy ȱ competent ε
opportunity C unemployment ʧI(y)
inquiry ԃ lose one's job ʧI(y)
consult ԃ full-time jobȫ
resume v part-time job
credential C do odd jobs 㹤
an application letter be no match for sb. cij
a letter of reference] turn down ܽ^
interview ԇ fire/dismiss/sack
interviewee ԇ hire/employ ͂
interviewer ԇ quit/resign o
confident ŵ job-hopping
client ͑ appointment
secretary ؕ in charge of ؓ؟(z)
be on business/be out of the office transfer {(dio)
reschedule °ŕrg headquarters
convenient branch ֲֹ˾
arrangement take over ӹܣ
weigh the advantages and disadvantages/weigh the pros and cons (qun)
morning shift night/grave yard shift ҹ
lay off reduce the staffÆT
get along with c̎ assistance f(xi)
appointments negotiate Մ
confirm _J inquire ԃ
clients ͑ cooperation
colleague ͬ competition
superior ˾ bid Ͷ(bio)
one's immediate superior^˾ contract ͬ
gossip ϲgՄ?w)e[˽ favor æ
ask for leave Ո difference
sick leave approve ͬ⣬(zhn)
apply for a vacation Ոݼ disapprove
fill in the application form Ո compromise ׅf(xi)
in charge of ؓ؟(z) meet each other half-way ׅf(xi)
be involved in c a win-win situation pA
attitude B(ti) perseverance Գֲи
personality Ʒ|(zh) hang on Գ
active/positive eO struggle ^
negative O overwork Ӱ
optimistic ^ work addict
pessimistic ^ overwhelmedƣ
determined ЛQĵ workload ؓ(dn)
forgetful wear out ƣ
diligent ڊ^ complain Թ
confident ĵ work like a horse ڹ
hard-working Ŭ devote one self to sth. ڡ
career I(y) recognitionJ
achievement ɿI(y) promotion
contribution ؕI appreciation p
merit ˃rֵ tribute ٝ
deserve ֵ(yng) pioneer (q)_
worthy ֵõ worldwide recognition eJ
annual/monthly salary н/н allowance N
start salary н money award/bonus
wages н(ָRr) retirement pay/pension ݽ
pay annual leave
income pay raise н
benefits paid vacation нݼ
health insurance t(y)U probation (period) ԇ
make ends meet֧ƽ potential
income falling short of expenditure벻 space for development/chances for advancementl(f)չg