1. n̷
Optional course xn
Required course n
Literature ČW(xu)
advanced physics
data processing (sh)(j)̎
computer programming Ӌ(j)C(j)
be through with sth Y(ji) (ɴο)
have sb's hands full with sth æij (07-12)
apply for Ո
business degree ̌W(xu)ԺW(xu)λ
pay your own way Լ֧NM(fi)
2. nʽ~R
Seminar ӑ (06-6)
presentation չʾʾn(ο)
biology W(xu)
class permit nC
informative Ϣ
3. Q
senior (05꿼c(din))
graduate I(y)
undergraduate У
postgraduate о
tutor (do)
graduate school оԺ
Position/post λο
recruit Ƹ (Bm(x))
resign (ο)
benefit (package) (ɴο)
paid vacation н
social security U(xin)
phased retirement 08-12 (A)
be laid off (09-12c(din))
hotel consultant Ƶԃ (08-6)
sales manager N۽(jng) (08-12 )
Administrative work (08-12 )
promotion (09-6/12Bm(x))
4. ԹI(y)
1)paper a.Փ b.=newspaper (bo) c. documentļ d.
a. choose a topicx}
area: The area is too board for me. }Ŀķ̫V
narrow the topic down }ĿsС
b. do some research {(dio) (ȥD^library {(dio))
c. type it outӡ
typewriter֙C(j)computer, lap topX printerӡC(j) laser printerӡC(j) ribbonɫ
2) presentation^voral form = speech = report = address
a.r(sh)g 20һv18-19犕r(sh)ge˰l(f)
b.ʽbformal clothes
You cant go like that. You need a change.@ӴҪQһ·
c.(ni)ĸܡnervous (vǰܺ)
3) Reading assignment / list xI(y)/
Do you think the reading list is enormous? XXҪxĕ̫?
4) Research
Financial Aid(jng)(j)Y
a. Tuition waiverW(xu)M(fi)p
b. RAResearching Assistant
TATeaching Assistant
5. ȱn
1) get ill ȱn
2) oversleep˯^^
3)traffic jamͨ/ (car)break down܇^
6. ԇ
middle exam пԇ
make up a(b)
pop test ț]fõĜy(yn)
quiz y(yn)
oral test ԇ
be through withY(ji)
draw on in sight of draw nearly
defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend