

      ǰλãԇW(wng) >> gYԇ >> g >> ӢZָ >> 2017мgԇZ~R얹̣ģ


      ԴԇW(wng)   2017-03-28 С


      Everyday Expressions

      n. [C] С܇ (ZҲ automobile)

      He goes to school by car.

      n. ܇ (ZҲcarriage)

      Cafe cars are operated on trains by the Railways. (܇ϢҵIJ܇FT(jng)I)

      n. ܇v

      I go to work by street car every day. (܉܇)

      ܇--- body

      ݆̥--- tire(British English: tyre)

      ǰ--- headlight

      --- turn signal

      U--- bumper

      w--- hood

      P--- steering wheel

      ҕR--- rearview mirror

      --- trunk

      L--- windshield

      l(f)әC; --- engine

      ׃--- transmission

      x --- clutch

      xP --- dash board

      ܇--- coupe(2 door sporty car)

      I܇--- sedan(4 door family car)

      λĺA܇--- limonsine

      ܇--- convertible

      ܇---SUV (sport utility vehicle)

      x܇--- brake

      x܇ϵy(tng)--- ABS (Anti-lock brake system)

      ܇--- license plate

      Ҋ Useful Phrases

      ܇ --- car sickness

      |܇ --- a cable car

      ܇ --- car accident (̕rg)

      ͣ܇ --- car park

      ܇M --- car fare

      ZcZ Idioms & Slangs

      car pool(ing) --- ˹(ji)ʡparking space, ˹ͬʹһv܇

      car jack --- ܇ЏГ܇

      Z Street Talks

      A: Can I borrow your car tonight?

      B: Just make sure you dont wreck it.

      A: Nancy, you want to go to a movie now?

      B: Sorry, I cant leave now. Im car pooling today

      Ӱ Transcripts

      Do you have a patrol car in the vicinity of twelve hundred Glenview Road? I(y)

      Did the dry cleaners have your car? w衷

      I was just taking her hand, to help her out of a car. ňDҹδߡ

      The car is down this way. ňDҹδߡ

      Please do not leave your car unattended. I(y)

      Ԓ Mr. Carlson: Is that the new car out there? The little red Wop job?

      Mr. Braddock: That's Ben's graduation present. I(y)

      Mrs. Robinson: We'd go to his car.

      Ben: Oh no. In the car you did it?

      Mrs. Robinson: I don't think we were the first.

      Ben: What kind of car was it?

      Mrs. Robinson: What?

      Ben: Do you remember the make of the car?

      Mrs. Robinson: Oh my God.

      Ben: Really. I want to know.

      Mrs. Robinson: It was a Ford, Benjamin. I(y).


      I dont even like old cars Id rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for Gods sake.

      J. D. Salinger (b. 1919), U.S. author. Holden Caulfield, in The Catcher in the Rye, ch. 17 (1951).

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