VҲᵽ ˽Ї(gu)ӢZ(y)(gu)ҵĻ֪R(sh)
ˇ(gu) The Commonwealth of Dominica
_ Roseau
ӹ͇(gu) The Dominican Republic
ʥ Santo Domingo
Ɲ Belize
ؐĪ Belmopan
R͇(gu) The Republic of Panama
R Panama City
R(gu) The Commonwealth of The Bahamas
} Nassau
ͰͶ˹ Barbados
D Bridgetown
ϺͰͲ_(d) Antigua and Barbuda
ʥs St. John's
ּ{_(d) Grenada
ʥ St.George's
˹_(d)ӹ͇(gu) The Republic of Costa Rica
ʥ San Jos
Ű͇(gu) The Republic of Cuba
La Habana
ع͇(gu) The Republic of Haiti
̫Ӹ Port au Prince
鶼˹͇(gu) The Republic of Honduras
Ƥ Lempira
ô Canada
̫A Ottawa
(jin)ϱ(gu) The United States of America
īϱ(gu) The United Mexican States
ī Mexico City
Ϲ͇(gu) The Republic of Nicaragua
Rǹ Managua
_߶͇(gu) The Republic of El Salvador
ʥ_߶ San Salvador
ʥĺS˹(lin) The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
˹ؠ Basseterre
Rǹ Managua
ʥR Saint Lucia
˹ Castries
ʥɭغּ{˹ St.Vincent and the Grenadines
˹ Kingstown
_(d)Ͷ繲͇(gu) The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Port of Spain
ΣR͇(gu) The Republic of Guatemala
ΣR Guatemala City
I Jamaica
˹ Kingston
һ(j)쎟(j)쎟(j)쎟r(ji)̎Q·zy(c)̎˴Tע(c)(j)r(ji)O(jin)̎ԃ̎خa(chn)r(ji) l(xing)Ҏ(gu)Y(ji)(gu)̎r̎ȫ̎O(sh)O(jin)펟h(hun)Ӱu(png)r(ji)صӛ·r(ji)·O(jin)펟̎ůͨ̎oˮ̎Ӌ(j)̎