

      (dng)ǰλãԇW(wng) >> gYԇ >> һ(j)Pg >> ģMԇ} >> 2017gYcatti(j)Pg}壩


      ԴԇW(wng)   2017-06-12 С


      1.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)g:վϏV(chng)܇{(dio)վ8µʽͶʹÕr(sh)վĂ(g)г܇{(dio)վ

      ##Taxi stand in the South Square of the Beijing WestRailway Station is expected to be operational by the end ofAugust, at which time the station will have taxi stands in all 4directions.

      2.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gһ(xing)Ї(gu)(bo)@ʾЇ(gu)r(nng)乤ijеõ^õĻM(jn)Ї(gu)M(fi)L(zhng)

      ##China's domestic migrant workers could power consumer spending growth in thecountry if they had better access to basic welfare services in the cities where they live and work.

      3.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)g(gu)W(xu)һоˆTl(f)F(xin)һȺo(j)80qľӢȺӛ^pʮqһ

      ##A Northwestern University researcher has identified an elite group of elderly people age80 and older whose memories are as sharp as people 20 to 30 years younger than them.

      4.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)g12(g)(gu)L(zhng)l؟(z)Ӣ(gu)ԓ(gu){(qing)M(jn)ڂصĶ϶ࠖʹ^S܄(chung)ʼ˰ɣ

      ##Foreign ministers of South America's 12-nation union on Sunday condemned UK'sthreat last week to forcibly enter London's Ecuadorean embassy to arrest WikiLeaks founderAssange.

      5.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)g_ʼ10̖(ho)ؑTվBڌM(jn)з]ʽڽO(sh)

      ##Starting from tomorrow, Beijings metro line 10 Anzhenmen station exit B will be closedoff for transformation, part of an effort to complete the construction of the formal entrance.

      6.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gЇ(gu)hڼ١ǻͣ܇ϵy(tng)\(yn)I(yng)ϾɞЇ(gu)ׂ(g)ͣ܇T(do)(w)ϵy(tng)

      ##Wuhan, China, is speeding up to put the operation system of its Smart Parkingonline, the system is expected to be Chinas first parking navigation service.

      7.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gһڔ׶RʿD(zhun)ķ(gu)հC(j)򷨺┢(dng)־ܽ^ÿ֧M(fi)˿ͽF(xin)D(zhun)

      ##An Air France plane that was re-routed via Syrian capital, Damascus, on Wednesdayasked passengers for refuel cash after Syrian authorities refused credit card payment.


      1.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)g:The struggles and wrangles of the lads for her hand in a jig were anamusement to her - no more; and when they became fierce she rebuked them.


      2.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gThe cradle-rocking and the song would cease simultaneously for amoment, and an exclamation at highest vocal pitch would take the place of the melody.


      3.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gThere stood her mother amid the group of children, as Tess had left her,hanging over the Monday washing-tub, which had now, as always, lingered on to the end of theweek.


      4.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gAs usual, Mrs Durbeyfield was balanced on one foot beside the tub, theother being engaged in the aforesaid business of rocking her youngest child.


      5.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gNo ditty floated into Blackmoor Vale from the outer world but Tess'smother caught up its notation in a week.


      6.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gThere still faintly beamed from the woman's features something of thefreshness, and even the prettiness, of her youth.


      7.#g΢(sh)`# Ո(qng)gTess looked alarmed. Her father possibly to go behind the eternal cloudso soon, not withstanding this sudden greatness!


      ؟(z)Luffy u(png)Փ me(cu)